Dreams really come true

It's not every day that you wish upon a star and it actually comes true.. but in my case, hard work, long nights, and endless hours of baking and decorating has yielded our storefront.
Some of you know me from before I opened the store, you used to pickup the cakes in the parking lot at my home and we would chat about the future and how excited I was to open a storefront. I always told my guests to keep your eye open and someday it would happen. Just over seven years after taking my first order at home we had finally began the search for a physical store! The plans and financials seemed solid to me, but little did I know that it wasn't enough. In the day and age where you are fighting large corporations for a space you have to make every concerted effort possible to be the best option. My business plan was 17 pages long and solid, but it always kept coming back to the financials. I was required to have liquidity up to $120k which is a tall ask for a small business startup, and honestly I thought that they were trying to discourage me from making this happen. But never let it get the best of me and so I applied to six or seven different lines of credit and took a small loan from my parents in order to get into this space.
May 11th, it was a bright and sunny morning not too hot, a perfect day to get great news. It was almost like my grandfather was looking over my shoulders because at 11:07am I got a text message from my commercial realtor telling me that we got the space. Holding back tears I called my mom and dad with the news. I barely made it to the end of the words "we got the store" before I burst into tears. I could hear the excitement and tears on the other end of the phone.
That wishing on a star, or holding your breath when you go through a tunnel, crossing your fingers, all of it.. It's true if you push yourself hard enough. <3


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