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Showing posts from June, 2016

Yaaaaaasssssss! #website #roll

So the website is finally updated and all of the text that needs to be there, is finally there!  Hey, I even got the mobile version of the website up and running..  I'm on a roll lately  :D  (Check it out: ) Over the summer months i'm going to be looking for a new place to live so that I can expand my product line for The Velvet Buttercream from just cakes, to adding artisan bread, cookies, muffins, gluten free. & vegan options.  I know that it's a huge undertaking but I just can't make it work.  So where will my living adventures take me now?  Purchase a house, condo, just rent a single bedroom apartment, or rent a two bedroom apartment and ask that the refrigerator be all mine.  I guess only time will tell. Next on The Velvet Buttercream's checklist is to update the business plan which is another huge  undertaking.  I'm trying to make the business plan a bit more cost friendly for investors.  I'd like to bring the op

The 10th anniversary of my 21st Birthday is almost here!

Why hello there,  glad to see you all again!  I know that it's been quite some time since my last post and I apologize.  I always seem to end my last blog by saying that i'll write another one soon.. but i'm pretty horrible at keeping up with that.  I think i'll start setting an alarm to remind me to write about the week. Anyway, I've been really busy between trying to keep my day job happy and trying to keep myself motivated about  The Velvet Buttercream .  I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't burned out from creating cakes day in day out, plus trying to get the bakery off the ground..  It's exhausting to try and make all of this work, and honestly i'm becoming burned out from it all.  The one thing that still keeps me excited about The Velvet Buttercream is that many of you are excited about the project, it's you who keep me in the game and are always pushing me to move forward.  For that I thank you.  :) So here we are ending the first wee