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Showing posts from August, 2016

So 31 came and went..

In my last blog I was talking a lot about how far i've come in one year with " The Velvet Buttercream ", and to be honest it's been quite the journey over the last year.  I don't regret any single moment of what i've learned or the money i've spent in the last year.  The Velvet Buttercream seems to get all of my attention lately, even the interested people in my life have fallen a bit to the wayside in favor of the bakery being number one.  Maybe that means something? What I love most about my home is... the people inside. and... the bakery down the street. Anyhow, my 31st birthday went on as planned even with all the chaos going on in my life at that moment. Speaking of which..!  I forgot to tell you that I got a new job  :D  Holy crap I couldn't even wrap my head around it.  I went in to LaGrande Orange to drop off my resume on a monday and ended up chatting with the Executive Pastry Chef for about a half an hour or so.  I setup a stage (a t