The cake walk...


So the walk went really well, the cake turned out awesome.  k thx bye..  lol just kidding.

The walk did go really well though.  105 Albertsons' store managers walked the store to see all the new goodies for the future remodel of their stores.

For the past two weeks there have been six bakery technicians wandering around using up all my cake and icing, then turning around and blaming me for not having enough supplies... how lame is that.  You would think that if they used up 14 cases of cake and over 250 pounds of icing that I would have superior cake backup available.  This is not the case my friend.. The techs created character cakes for halloween, thanksgiving, and christmas.. meanwhile not making any of the cakes that actually do sell.  Speaking of those seasonal character cakes.. NONE OF THEM SOLD!  They all coded out this morning :(  Anyways, I don't want to harp on the bad of these past two weeks.. so lets switch to the good.

The store looks great now that it's finally done, and the walk was amazing.  Done deal, lets move on!

The cake was the part that you really came here for...  Last week I told you of a story where a customer came in wanting a world made out of candy.  I told that customer to bring me in as much candy as possible to fit onto this cake.  I also told her that I would start with a half sheet and continue to shape the cake from there.  With a little help from joey (co-decorator) on ideas to put into this world, we decided to have an awesome chocolate river and a small whip cream bridge that connected the two sides of the cake together.  Oh and I forgot to mention that the customer was so excited when she saw the cake that she almost burst into tears of happiness.  That feeling of accomplishment never gets old  :)  

Enough with the talk of the cake, enjoy the pictures!!

What are your thoughts on the cake?  let me know in the comments section!

Nothing really amazing coming up this weekend..  I'll take pictures anyways.  Have a great week


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